I love clichés. I was unaware of my passion for clichés until my friends started pointing out the fact that I tend to implement at least one cliché into any given conversation. In Human Resource Management last fall I succeeded in using three different clichés in one 30-minute presentation about first jobs. Until now I haven't put much thought into my cliché fetish; however, I have compiled a list of my top 20 most used clichés for you Deliberations readers out there (initially I was only going to compile a top 10 list, but there was no way I could narrow it down that much).
20. “What a nail biter!” - Used while watching an intense sporting event where the score is neck and neck…usually an intramural basketball, football or softball game.
19. “Beggars can’t be choosers.” – Used when someone is being high maintenance and wants to have their cake and eat it too.
18. “He/she rubs me the wrong way.” – Used when someone really chaps my hide. I like this one because you don’t necessarily have to give a specific reason for not liking the person.
17. “We’re in the same boat.” – Used when one finds themselves in the same predicament as someone else; up a creek without a paddle, between a rock and a hard place, etc.
16. “I’m turning over a new leaf.” – Used when one decides to change his or her ways. The fact that it’s on my top 20 most used list indicates that I decide to change my ways often.
15. “I’ll pencil you in” – Used to make tentative plans with someone. I mostly like using this cliché because it makes me sound important.
14. “Up a creek (without a paddle)” – Used when one is in a rather sticky situation. As indicated by the parentheses, I prefer to simply use the first part of this classic cliché because I assume that most anyone could fill in the rest.
13. “It’s nothing to write home about.” – Used when something is sub-par and not noteworthy. My good friend Jaclyn, who also shares my passion for clichés, introduced me to this one. Thanks Jac!
12. “That hit the spot!” – Used when something satisfies one's taste buds or desires. Usually, but not limited to, a DDP (Diet Dr. Pepper) or CLA (Cherry Limeade) from Penn or FC.
11. “What goes around comes around.” – Used when someone reaps what they sow or dishes out what they can’t take. May also be used as lyrics for a pop song if you step on your ex’s toes.
10. “I’m between a rock and a hard place.” – Used when one finds themselves faced with a tough decision to make or when one must choose between the lesser of two evils.
8. “Just shooting the breeze” – Used when talking to someone about lighthearted subjects. Also used to trick people into thinking you and someone else are talking about something lighthearted when really you’re about to get in a knock-down-drag-out.
7. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” – Used to put something off until one is required to deal with it later on down the road (i.e. Lauren, what are you going to do when you graduate? I’ll cross that bridge when I get there).
4. “The more the merrier!” – Used to indicate that having more people around will in turn make one happier. I use this one quite often because I really like to be around people. It is because of this phrase that I tend to find myself hanging out with really random groups of people; but, I wouldn’t have it any other way!
3. “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back .” – Used to express that one has had it up to here with something. My dear mother introduced this cliché to me and I’m so glad that she did because obviously I find myself using it a lot.
2. “Been there, done that.” – Used to indicate that one has already partaken in a particular activity. May also be used to indicate one’s previous attachment to someone of the opposite sex.
1. “Go with the flow.” – Used to convey one’s desire to fly by the seat of their pants. This cliché may be used interchangeably with and goes hand in hand with number six. It is my most used cliché because I am a people pleaser and people pleasers must be prepared to go with the flow.
There you have it! A list of my most used overused sayings and phrases. And this is only a handful of the clichés one may hear me incorporate into my everyday conversations. Be looking for Clichés Part II and III for more cliché fun!
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